CPME/Coalition for Vaccination: Survey on Vaccination Training – open until 4 July 2021

Έρευνα Ε.Ε. για τους εμβολιασμούς. Συμμετοχή μέσω του παρακάτω συνδέσμου:


Απαντήσεις μέχρι 4/7/2021

Dear CPME members,

The EU-funded IMMUNION project started in April with an aim to strengthen the Coalition for Vaccination. CPME is leading one of its work packages to develop an online platform for European healthcare professionals gathering useful information and educational materials on vaccination. The platform will be available on the upcoming Coalition website.

To make this platform useful and user-friendly, we invite you to give your opinion and disseminate among your memberships this short survey which is open until 4 July 2021: https://bit.ly/2S53Ixi

The survey is available in all EU languages (translated with an automatic translation tool). Please find attached a short cover letter which you can use when disseminating it.

Thank you in advance!